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Uniform Policy

Mountain Vista is a uniform school because uniforms have been shown to increase academic success, improve self-confidence, and make visitors easier to identify. It is our goal to take the focus off of clothing and remove distractions from the learning environment. Parents are encouraged to contact the school prior to purchasing uniforms if they have questions or are uncertain about what to purchase.

Uniform Code:

All students are expected to arrive dressed in their school uniform on the first day of school and each school day thereafter, unless prior notice has been given by school administration.

All school staff will be involved in the dress code enforcement. Students who may be considered in violation of the dress code will be referred to administration for final decisions. A student found to be in violation of the dress code will be given a warning and parents will be notified. Uniform or dress code issues will be corrected before returning to class. Clothing options will be provided by the school if the parent is unable to provide an option, a fee may be assessed.  Students refusing to comply with the dress code policy may have increasing levels of accountability.  

  • Must be School Colors: navy, maroon, khaki, white, and black  
  • Tops: T-shirts, collared shirts, long-sleeved shirts, sweatshirts, and hoodies (not to be worn covering the head).  
  • Bottoms: Shorts, skirts, dresses, cargo pants, dress/regular slacks, joggers, jeans, and sweatpants 
  • Footwear: Tennis shoes, dress shoes, or sandals  
  • Hats: Must be solid school colors with no logos, no beanies or hoodies.  
  • Not Allowed: sagging, bandanas, athletic shorts (except for in PE or after school sports practice), pants with holes or tears, sunglasses, slippers, or any attire that violates board policy JIC.  

Uniform Infractions:

All students must wear the approved uniform at Mountain Vista Community School. The individual classroom teacher and/or team leader will determine if a student is not in compliance with uniform expectations. Students will be asked to correct the situation immediately. If the uniform code is violated, the student will be sent to the office where he/she will have an opportunity to correct the violation, and a parent phone call will be made. Repeated uniform infractions will be documented and could result in disciplinary action.

Dress Code